Our Services
Solar Project Development in Germany
Solizer took to the starting line with the goal to develop solar projects on especially appropriate land and without government subsidies.
Driven by the vision to produce competitive solar energy without government subsidies, Solizer started out in the sun-belt regions of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. In 2018, we realised that this would very soon be possible in Germany as well and started as one of the pioneers to develop large-scale PV plants solely based on PPAs.
Today, we develop large scale solar plants in Germany on an area over 600 hectares. With a total installed power of ca. 700MWp, up to 250.000 households should be supplied with green electricity. This generates an astonishing amount of 300.000 tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions per year (compared to the current electricity mix).
Project Development form A-Z

References & Current Developments
Regional Focus & Attachment
We develop solar power plants on an area of over 600 hectares with a total installed power of approx. 700 MWp. This should supply up to 250.000 households with green electricity in the near future. In some cases, we develop regional-electricity-concepts with the regional utility companies. This generates an astonishing amount of 300.000 tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions per year (compared to the current electricity mix).
For our projects, we put a strong focus on Northern and Eastern Germany, especially Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen-Anhalt, Brandenburg und Sachsen.
Your Contact Person
Do you have questions about the development process or think generating solar power on your land?
At Solizer, you have one contact person from project origination through the planning process up to commercial operation. With our years of experience and our flexible and partner-focused structure, we quickly find solutions for every project.
Bei uns haben Sie einen Ansprechpartner vom Projektursprung über das Planungs- und Genehmigungsverfahren bis zum Betrieb. Durch unsere langjährige Erfahrung sowie unsere partnerschaftliche und flexible Struktur, finden wir schnell individuelle Lösungen für jedes Projekt.